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Deposit Funds onto your New Live Account

Here you can find information on how to deposit money
to your NEW Live Account.

How to send money for your first deposit by bank wire after opening  a new Live trading account ...


GCI ONLY offers its bank depot option for qualified clients and for amounts above 2,000 EUR or USD.

The upper limit for the deposit is not limited. It is necessary to use a SEPA payment in EUR or a Foreign payment in USD!

If you send a lower amount, the payment will not be accepted by the bank and will be returned to your bank account from which it was sent.

Any fees for bank transactions are then paid by the sender of the deposit!

Please complete a deposit information form any time you have sent the funds.

This is an electronic bank wire from your bank. Funds are usually credited to your account within 1-3 business days of delivery to the recipient's bank account.

Deposits can only be made by GSW / GCI Live account holders - transfers from a third party are not permitted for either deposit or withdrawal. This ensures the security of the transfer of funds and thus your money in your Live account.

Complete a deposit information form any time you have sent the funds.

How to Fund Your Trading Account in
 EUR or USD:

After creating your new trading account, your dedicated Relationship Manager will send you an email with the most appropriate banking details to accommodate your investment.

The email contains account login details  and the necessary information for a bank wire to your new Live account. The bank wire information:

Bank Account Name:
Bank Address: Adresa banky:
IBAN Number:
Payment recipient:

IMPORTANT: Don´t forget to enter the Reference field (eg XYZT 0123at) you receive by email from your Relationship Manager. The reference is used to identify the payment for both the payer and the payee (determines the assignment of the deposit to your GCI trading account). If you find the Reference field in the bank form pre-filled, delete the data and insert the Reference, see above.

Please complete a deposit information form any time you have sent the funds.

Complete a deposit information form any time you have sent the funds.

Other Deposits

Due to frequent attempts by hackers to attack the bank accounts of clients using payment cards for subsidies to trader's accounts, credit card payments were suspended until further notice.

For deposits up to EUR 2,000, it is possible to alternatively use the PerfectMoney payment system, with which many clients of GCI Financial have very good experience.

Available Deposit Methods

Note: Deposits can be made by the GCI account holder only. Third party transfers are not permitted. For up-to-date wire instructions, please contact us for every time you wish to send a wire transfer.

However, it is possible to deposit Cryptocurrencies. Use this link from the GCI website to send funds in cryptocurrency. Then choose whether to deposit via Stablecoins or Crypto and click on Deposit now.

Please complete a deposit information form any time you send funds: